Part 3 

Cindy slowly gets mad here. Mr. Shipshape is still due. She checked her phone and emails several times. But no message.

He still lets her cool her heels. but I have the impression, that those heels get hotter with every minute, she has to wait.

The TEA Sims office (temporary employment agency), where she had ordered Mr. Shipshape, is around the corner. So she rushed to see the manager.

But Mr. Sims neither knew, where Mr. Shipshape was hiding. But he said, he could call him and find out, where he got stuck. He would let her know, as soon as he had any news.

Cindy left his office quite enraged. She is not amused. Maybe her personal assistant Tüpilein is in the end of more help than that Mr. Shipshape, even when she has to stand on the ladder all day.

CINDY -EPISODE 87- Mr. Shipshape

Part 1

Yesterday she had decided to give her room a new fresh look. First step was ordering a wallpaper sample book from our local DIY superstore, so that she could make her mind up at home. It arrived today with DHL. There are quite a few nice pattern in it, all handprinted, but she still can’t make her mind up.

Right now she is looking for a renovation helper. The internet is full of people, who would like to give you a hand. Hopefully she finds someone reliable.

Oh, just in this minute I can hear her steps in the hallway. The door is swinging open with a bang ( too late for a live video) and here she is, beaming!

“I just found the perfect man for tomorrow”, she lets me know. “Look at him, Petra. Doesn’t he look like Mr. Renovation himself?” “Well, Cindy, if you think so”, I gave it up some time ago discussing things with her, “when will you start?”

“Mr. Shipshape will come at ninez and have breakfast with us. Then we go and get the renovation stuff and the wallpaper. Doesn’t it sound like a fantastic plan for tomorrow, Petra?”

As you can imagine, I am overjoyed having a guest like Mr. Shipshape for breakfast.

You might have wondered why she doesn’t ask her personal assistant for a helping hand. Good question, but we found out that he is acrophobic, when we asked him to change a light blub in the hallway. So no help on the ladder tomorrow.

CINDY -EPISODE 85- Drama Queen

Our drama queen finally got up. I think, she spreads it on thick. But maybe her eyes still burn. Who knows?
It seems, that she already adopted our new tenant as her personal assistant. She will keep him busy today, that’s for sure.

CINDY -EPISODE 84- A New Flatmate


With this prompt I thought I won’t have any trouble with anybody in my flat, because there is an agreement, that each member of this community cares for her/his own footgear only.

So I went to my shoe rack to pick one of my walking boots, but strangely enough there was only one of them sitting on the rack. I looked around and found the second one in the other corner of our hallway. What had happened here? Cindy had her own boots and my were far too big for her. But maybe she had tripped over it last night not seeing anything with her eyes on fire.

But when I bent down to pick up the boot, I noticed someone looking at me wide-eyed. His mouth was moving quickly. I heard some squeaky sound but couldn’t make out any word. He started waving around with his tiny arms wildly gesturing. As far as I understood, he seemed to be a new lodger in our flatshare. I had a deeper look in my boot and saw, that someone had made oneself at home already.

Well, good that boots always come in pairs. I picked the untenanted and sat down in the kitchen to start with Carlas prompt.

CINDY -EPISODE 83- Hula Hula


It was just a question of time, until Cindy showed up in the kitchen to look, what I was up to.

She was so delighted about the wonderful hula, she saw in one post, that she instantly ripped of her clothes to try on a tulip sort of hula. She wiggled her hips and got really excited. “Hey, Petra, with this hula, I need to wear the hottest bra ever.” 

She jumped into the spice board and picked some really hot bird chiles from Mexico. I had to take a picture. I was just in time, because a second later, she was in tears, because she had rubbed her eyes with her chile fingers. Poor girl!

CINDY -EPISODE 82- Granny Schwümmli


While listening to Mandy Greer I thought it might the right time to reintroduce you to my neigbors, the Schwümmlis. It is wonderful to have them next door. Such a lovely family.

Today I have a short portrait of Granny Schwümmli for you. Because when we talk about textile art and adventurers, we can’t fail to make her acquaintance.

Granny Schwümmli had built up quite a reputation in the kneesock knitter scene as early as in the 1950s. Her “Magic Rainbow” Kneesocks are on display for decades already in the Museum of Contemporary Knitting and Wooly Art. You can find a picture of the hanging here:

Nowadays her unmistakable style is still en vogue and thousands of handknitted kneesocks are shipped to all parts of the world.

Granny is not only a fantastic entrepeneur, but she also is an explorer and adventurer. She seeks for inspiration by travelling around the world and gets sometimes inspired by artists as far as Seattle.

Her new fashion line shows (she loves presenting her fashion herself), that there are no boundaries, when you think of wooly art. Amazing what she creates with her knitting needles.

CINDY -EPISODE 81- the lemon ranch


FAKE NEWS whereever you look!!!

Did you really believe, that lemons grow on trees?

Here is the unequivocal proof, that this is not actually true.

Cindy came back with this picture of an ad, she had taken a couple of hours ago at our local grocery store.